what women want

really i think i am the last person to have any insight on this topic...but nevertheless here is my dig at perhaps the most sought after question in human exsistence...

i think that all that a woman wants from a man is to be GENEROUS!
and when i say generous i mean just to do a little more that is expected out of him as his duty...just a step ahead...a little more than what he is suppose to do...

all she wants is him to be generous with his respect...generous with his attention...generous with his gratitude...generous while making love...generous with his love...just generous all aound at whatever he does...

perhaps thats all she needs to feel special...his woman...a woman...


Unknown said…
i would put "the woman" not "a woman" at the end of that post...hehehe...

btw, nice email...you could encourage people to post comments on your blogs in your next email... :D
dhwanishroff said…
for the first time...the sensitivity in u has flown out and that too with immense grace, faith and conviction....
dhwanishroff said…
for the first time...the sensitivity in u has flown out and that too with immense grace, faith and conviction....
Anonymous said…
Not bad Mr. Gupta.. generous yes, but genuinely generous. Ofcourse not all women are discerning enough to know the difference!
Unknown said…
Guptaji 👍 I wish more men can think on these lines....

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