He had never seen a sunrise. That was the thought he woke up to. Surprisingly it was a very sound sleep. He had not slept like that since "that day". He was dreaming about his mother. He was a child again and was playing in the silent house on a hot afternoon. Suddenly he missed his mother and went to the room where she was taking her afternoon nap with her long dark hair dangling from the side of the bed. He went and just lay by her side and he was in the safest place in the world. Then he woke up with a jolt. He wondered why he hasn't seen a sunrise ever especially considering that he prided himself being a nocturnal. He has ofcourse seen it on t.v. and had always being intrigued by it. It was one event that happened every day of his longish life. It was an event that happened irrespective of where he was, yet he never saw it. That is how he lived his life. Taking every thing for granted. Thinking there was enough time for him to do things. But there wasn't. Not a...