often i have noticed that how close two people are depends on the consonance of their views on other people. thats funny i think. when we talk or have a conversation it invariably revolves about people who arent there and quite so often about people that none of us know persoanally. for example sports persons. politicians, actors, etc etc. and we all see to have insights about them. the source of our views are generally, for example in cases of actors, their performances, their interviews and the various stories about them in circulations every where. on the basis of these we think we know them as a person and thus brand them as to be like"that". whats the need for such assumption? and why do we so often think we know people and are almost obsessed to categorise them? we so often meet people and then in our heads assess them and make a judgement about them. and it doesnt stop there. we prononce that of them to other people and so many times affect the individual assessment of...